Bollywood's wild child Ranveer Singh and leading lady Deepika Padukone are all set to tie the knot on November 14 and 15. The excitement about B-Town's favourite couple's wedding has reached a feverish pitch and fans are eagerly lapping up each and every detail of the functions and the wedding ceremonies in Italy.
The pre-wedding festivities have already begun with much fanfare. Deepika went to Bangalore for the Nandi Puja at her parent's residence.
The latest update is that on the 14th of this month, the two will have a traditional Konkani style wedding, as Deepika belongs to the Saraswat Brahmin community from Karnataka and her mother tongue is Konkani.
The next day, on 15th, a Sindhi wedding ceremony will follow, given Ranveer's roots.On the 16th, the guests will fly back home.
The couple's outfits and jewellery have already been planned accordingly.
Earlier in October, they announced their wedding on Twitter. Though the two haven't revealed the wedding destination, there is strong speculation that they will get married at Lake Como, Italy.
The couple is expected to throw a grand reception in Mumbai on December 1.
Ranveer and Deepika started seeing each other after their film, Goliyon Ke Rasleela Ram Leela.