Priyanka Chopra, You Have 2 Lakh Unread Mails. But It's OK, Says Twitter

So, the point is if one has to reach Priyanka, you have to do more than just shoot a mail

If a fan ever mailed Priyanka Chopra and is wondering if the actress ever got the message, then umm, well, we are not sure if she did. It is known that Priyanka Chopra has a crazy work schedule, a very busy roster and shuttles between India and New York throughout the year but a glimpse of her massive fan following is what we are going to share now. The actress and her phone features in an Instagram post by her Quantico co-star Alan Powell, in which it's visible that her phone has some over 2 lakhs of unread e-mails. 2,57,623 to be precise. Yes, you read that correct. So, the point is if one has to reach Priyanka, you have to do more than just shoot a mail.

"Guys ... guys ... don't ever email Priyanka Chopra ... she apparently NEVER reads it! This is the record ... I defy anyone to beat it. #unbelievable #ithoughtiwasbad #commaplacementconfusesme," captioned Alan.

This was Priyanka's reaction:

Priyanka replies to fans on social media, writes back to handwritten fan mail, has Instagram live chats responding to fans. She literally does the most. Alan is just joking about not ever checking her email because I know some fans who she has replied to but it's hard to keep up

Priyanka's recently been voted the Sexiest Asian Woman - this was her fifth year on the top spot and been listed by Forbes on the List Of 100 Most Powerful Women - she took the 15th spot on the list of Most Powerful Women In Entertainment And Media.