Anurag Kashyap: Steven Spielberg’s The Post a must watch for Indian media

The Post, which still has not got a theatrical release, is about Pentagon Papers, which damned the John F Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson administrations in regards to their stated and actual aims of waging the Vietnam war, among other things.

It is said that one can tell a lot about filmmakers from his or her films. If you take Anurag Kashyap’s films, he comes across as a freedom-loving, blunt and honest man who is not afraid to voice his thoughts, no matter what the consequences. And true enough, Kashyap has faced consequences of what he had said on Twitter, with armies of trolls descending on him in responses to a tweet that they did not like.

Anurag Kashyap watched Steven Spielberg’s The Post and had this to say, “Spielberg’S “The Post” .. what a timely film.. must watch for the Indian Media today.”

The Post, which still has not got a theatrical release, is about Pentagon Papers, which damned the John F Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson administrations in regards to their stated and actual aims of waging the Vietnam war, among other things. Although the Papers did not have any relation to Richard Nixon, the US president when they were first published in the New York Times, he was convinced by Henry Kissinger to restraint them and subsequently, Nixon was successful in obtaining a court injunction.

Spielberg'S "The Post" .. what a timely film.. must watch for the Indian Media today

It was then a lesser-known, provincial newspaper The Washington Post that took the charge of publishing articles and the film is about the paper’s battle with the government, with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks starring as publisher and editor, respectively. Bob Odenkirk, who stars as Saul Goodman in Better Call Saul and played the same role in AMC’s Breaking Bad, plays the role of The Washington Post reporter who received the Pentagon Papers from the newspaper’s behalf.
The Post will release in India on January 12, 2018.